10.30 – 11.00 Project-startup education in high schools and universities – a debate on a recommendation prepared based on lessons learned from best domestic and foreign practices.

Did you know that 53% of Polish teenagers dream of starting their own business, but don’t know where to start? According to Econverse, project-startup education is the key to future growth. The panel discusses a recommendation prepared based on the most successful practices from Poland and abroad. What are the benefits of startup education? What are the skills of the future, integrated learning, and what changes in the education system will artificial intelligence require? We also consider the benefits of project-based learning, including developing problem-based thinking, collaboration and communication, and the Design Thinking approach. Taking into account generational differences in the perception of the role of education, we consider which foreign practices would work in Poland, and how the integration of different curricula, social projects, as well as training and vocational education, can contribute to creating the education of the future.

Host: EFC Academy in cooperation with ECONVERSE and Cashless Poland

11.00 – 11.30 Potential of Polish Soft Power

According to the global Brand Finance ranking, Poland ranks 22nd in terms of national brand. Our country was surpassed by Brazil, Mexico, and Ireland. How can Poland build a strong national brand? Frederic Chopin, Robert Lewandowski, pierogi – which aspects of our culture are worth promoting? How can Poland turn its culture into investment? What can the younger generation do to improve our country’s image? How should we integrate generational differences in the perception of soft power

Host: Club Alpbach Poland

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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