12.00 – 12.30 Labor market and talent management in times of crisis

– Generations at work – how do they behave when recruiting in times of crisis. Do you see differences? Is either behavior objectively better in the current time?

– In times of crisis, should hiring be prioritized in terms of potential or experience?

– Remote work, hybrid, or office. If hybrid, is it designated days or any days in the office? What is your approach? Has it changed in any way over the last year/year and a half?

– AI’s impact on the labor market. Does AI exacerbate the crisis felt in the labor market as well? Or on the contrary and improves the situation?

– What competencies do you think employees should develop in themselves? Which skills do you consider to be crisis-proof?

Content supervisors EFC Academy in cooperation with Just Join IT

12.30 – 13.00 Artificial intelligence, and social order – technological wars for progress

Interaction on the line between artificial intelligence and humans/society. We will touch on the topics of inequality, digital exclusion and consider solutions that can increase the likelihood that AI’s impact on social order will be a net positive.

Hosted by the EFC Academy in partnership with the PFR Foundation

Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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