The sustainability and competitiveness of the domestic Consumer Finance market will be determined by regulatory factors in the coming years. In addition to the so-called Anti-Counterfeiting Law, which has already been implemented, the proposed Law on Consumer Lombard Loan, the sector must take into account the consequences associated with the implementation of the requirements of the EU CCD2 Directive. Other factors shaping the potential and dynamics of the Consumer Finance market include technological challenges (AI, personalization of services), including security, as well as the development of new product segments (including BNPL).

Key issues:
Trends in the Consumer Finance market
Biggest challenges – the Polish CF market:
– Regulations: the so-called Anti-Clichary Law,
– CCD2 directive;
– demographics;
– migration phenomena
– quality; image
Future of the market – BNPL, customer experience, new products, quality
Impact of new technologies on the development of the Consumer Finance market – AI, security, personalization of services

Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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