The panel moderated by KPMG will include two parts:

Presentation of conclusions and recommendations from the report “Prospects for development of the green bond market in Poland”, in particular in the context of current market trends, regulatory changes for the financial sector (the European Green Bond Standard, GAR and BTAR) and potential tools to support the financing of decarbonisation of the economy

Discussion with Ministry of Finance and financial sector representatives on:

– How sustainable finance considerations are reflected in the business strategies and product portfolios of banks?

– How the implementation of the EU Taxonomy requirements and investment and credit portfolio emission disclosures will affect the structure of bank asset portfolios?

– How to successfully promote green instruments on the Polish market?

– What are the main challenges today in the issuance of sustainable financial instruments on the Polish market?

– How will the EU green bond standard and implementation of the EU Taxonomy benefit issuers and investors?

Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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