Business loves buzzwords, and there are many of these in the era of the New Internet Economy. NFT, Web3, DeFi, Avatar Economy, Metaverse or Blockchain – under each of these buzzwords is a technology or phenomenon changing the current course of action for many companies. Some of these changes are taking root permanently, some are passing, proving to be a fad.

Why do some phenomena change business in real time, while others fall from the “peak of exaggerated expectations” into the “valley of disappointment” in a short period of time and never leave it again? How to distinguish one from the other?

Why do some of them, despite the misguided initial promise of revolutionizing the market, stay with us for longer?

Is the curve of the hype cycle still constant and unchanging – today, when everything seems to happen too fast?

Why do some tech innovations thrill consumers, while others – defying common sense – are ignored by them?

Can business prepare for a future that cannot (?) be imagined?

The opening presentation of the session will consider how the rapid pace of development of the latest technologies affects their adoption. Is it necessary to be afraid of artificial intelligence? Is it worth buying VR goggles today? Will we soon only own what we acquire as NFT?

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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