The panel will analyze the impact of artificial intelligence on the financial sector in Poland and around the world. Participants will discuss both the challenges and opportunities arising from the development of this technology, and highlight the ethical and social aspects associated with its application.


  • How artificial intelligence is shaping the future of financial services.
  • What are the benefits and risks of developing artificial intelligence in the financial sector?
  • What opportunities does artificial intelligence offer in the area of personalizing offers and better tailoring services to customers’ needs?
  • How can artificial intelligence help in analyzing and assessing credit and investment risks?
  • What tools and solutions based on artificial intelligence help in decision-making processes in the financial sector?
  • What skills and competencies do financial sector employees need to effectively use artificial intelligence and contribute to the development of this technology in the industry?
  • The risk of fake news and outdated information
  • GPT chat vs. anti-plagiarism systems
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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