The decline in bank profitability and the lack of prospects for its quick restoration are the most serious problems of the banking sector. These problems are a consequence of the COVID-19 virus pandemic and high external pressures on the sector. The banks’ income tax amounted to 21.1% of the net profit/loss at the end of 2015, 24.1% in 2016 and increased steadily to reach 39.9% as on 31/12/2020. Independently of the income tax, banks have been charged with the financial institutions tax since 2016, which amounts to about PLN 4 billion per year with 6.9 billion of net profit of the banking sector for 2020.

Such a high level of tax burden results from structural changes in the financial market and poses a serious threat to the efficiency and stability of the banking sector. Therefore, there is a need to review the current tax solutions in terms of their adequacy for today’s economic situation, which radically changes the operating conditions of the financial sector and the economy.

The aim of the debate is to analyse the impact of the tax burden on banks on the security of the financial market and the development of the economy, and to develop recommendations aimed at adapting tax policy to the radically changed operating conditions of the financial sector.

Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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