At a time when sustainability, diverisity & inclusion and employee wellbeing have become one of the key elements of management, more and more companies are declaring their participation and action on the environment, diversity in the workplace and safeguarding employee wellbeing. Social responsibility is popular – employers and employees are paying more attention to sustainability issues. Many companies are introducing programs to develop initiatives that bring positive social and environmental impact, while neutralizing the negative impact of the companies themselves. Nonetheless, many declarations remain on paper, and many actions are apparent. Negative examples of greenwashing and ESG washing are exposed and brought to public discussion.

Such a dynamically changing reality determines the necessity for specific actions to develop a systemic approach to the issue, spreading good practices and properly measured programs, which will allow companies to take full advantage of their potential for action. The fundamental purpose of the debate is to have experts talk about optimal and effective courses of action, as well as to promote good practices in ecology, social development, diversity in the workplace and employee benefits.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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