The best anti-crisis instruments, in the current situation, seem to be mortgage bonds, which can also be used to stimulate long-term savings. They can also be a means of achieving sustainable development goals, as well as the energy transition. Despite the amendment to the Law on Mortgage Bills and Mortgage Banks, which came into force on January 1, 2016, the mortgage bond market in Poland is not developing.

Reviving the mortgage bond market would achieve three goals:

  • stimulating long-term savings and protecting them from inflation,
  • increasing the safety and reliability of the banking system,
  • Increasing the credibility of the Polish capital market

In order to revive the mortgage bond market, it is necessary, first, to ensure demand for them, and second, to guarantee their supply.


The debate is intended to answer the question: how to do it?

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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