The CEO debate is a regular and highly anticipated highlight of the European Financial Congress. EY is pleased to co-create with its participants a map of the challenges facing the banking sector in the coming 12 months.
The EY Banking Menu presented reflects the most relevant issues in the collected areas: market, customers and technology, regulation and regulators, and summarizes the most difficult tasks facing the sector.
It also summarizes the conclusions of EY’s Macroeconomic, Technology and Banking Risk Roundtables.
The past year was defined by economic and political turmoil. Elevated inflation, rising energy prices and successive interest rate hikes have exacerbated business operating conditions and contributed to increased uncertainty and further deterioration in consumer as well as business sentiment. Due to the increasing number and complexity of challenges facing the banking sector, this year’s EY Banking Menu is gradually evolving into key difficulties affecting more than one area. Concerns are raised by uncertainty but there is still ample margin for action.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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