Adam Sawicki

Doradca Prezesa Zarządu VeloBank S.A.
Adam Sawicki
Doradca Prezesa Zarządu VeloBank S.A.


Adam Sawicki, big enthusiast of disruptive technologies supporting human kind in its development, has over 25 years of international experience in TMT sector both in corporate and private equity environment.

Having spent 12 years (1996-2008) in 5 countries with Scandinavian telecommunication group TeliaSonera starting as Junior Consultant and finishing as EVP, West Europe & North America, he moved to private equity sector leading as CEO (2008-2011) transformation of GTS Central Europe, into leading regional B2B player, eventually sold to Deutsche Telekom. 2012-2013 he was instrumental in acquisition of by RUCH S.A., becoming its Chairman and leading digital arm of the company.

2014 he became President & CEO of Netia S.A., Warsaw-listed fixed-line & broadband provider, executing an ambitious restructuring program, aiming to reset cost-base of the company and regain profitability in changing regulatory regime. Thereafter, he was leading 2 years-long transformation program as CEO of T-Mobile Polska.

2017 Adam was appointed Chief Digital Officer of AmRest Holding leading all digital activities & ventures including investments in GLOVO and PizzaPortal as well as Group’s IT.

Since 2019, he has been acting as chairman and non-executive board member in number of various companies including Trigon Brokerage House, Redge Technologies, SystemicsPAB or JustTag Group. Currently, he also acts as Board Advisor for companies like VeloBank, EWL or Secfense.

Adam Sawicki holds MSc degree in Business Administration & Economics from School of Business at Stockholm University. He has also completed the General Manager Program at Harvard Business School and numerous executive programmes at Stanford University, IMD, INSEAD and Singularity University

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Adam Sawicki
Doradca Prezesa Zarządu VeloBank S.A.
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Europejski Kongres Finansowy2-4 czerwca 2025


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